
Scientific publications

Е.Н. Фролова, С.П. Гапонов.
Восточная степная гадюка Vipera renardi (Christoph, 1861) в Музее-заповеднике «Дивногорье»
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 7. Сер. Биогеография. 2017. C. 93-99
E.N. Frolova, S.P. Gaponov. Steppe viper (Vipera renardi (Christoph, 1861)) in the museum-reserve Divnogorie // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Biogeography. 2017. Pp. 93-99
Keywords: steppe viper; sexual dimorphism; population density; adult individuals; young individuals; sсаlation
Published and original data on the steppe viper distribution in the Central Chernozem Region, including the museum-reserve Divnogorie, were generalized for the period of 2012 to 2016. The sex and age composition of vipers as well as their morphological features were studied.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: July 12, 2017