
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Геология Докембрия
Indexed at RSCI

Articles in journal:

S.I. Turchenko. Metallogeny during the precambrian stage in geological evolution of the Earth5
L.V. Kuleshevich, О.B. Lavrov. Gold-copper-sulphide mineralization of quartz-carbonate veins in gabbro-dolerites from the Chevzhavara deposit, South Karelia16
G.B. Melentyev. Natural radioactivity of rare-metal specialized mineral raw materials and urbanized areas in the Karelian-Kola region as a factor for their radioecological assessment27
Yu.L. Voytekhovsky, A.A. Zakharova. A statistical description of the structures and textures of Keretsky archipelago (White Sea) amphibolites44
V.A. Shekov. Karelian facing stone deposits in the global market51
A.V. Rakhmanova. Crimson quartzite in the historical and cultural heritage of Russia and the world62
Scientific Conference Yushkin Readings – 2020 and the 13th Russian Seminar on Technological Mineralogy
(Syktyvkar, December 7–10, 2020)
Dates and anniversaries78
60th anniversary of the Institute of Geology KarRC RAS78
Vyacheslav S. Kulikov (1939–2020)100
Reviews and bibliography102
Рецензия на монографию "Ладожская протерозойская структура (геология, глубинное строение и минерагения) / Отв. ред. Н. В. Шаров. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2020. 435 с.: ил. 345, табл. 54. Библиогр. 961 назв."102
Last modified: February 24, 2021