
Scientific publications

Данилевская Л.А., Скамницкая Л.С., Дубинчук В.Т., Раков Л.Т.
Виды примесных фаз и элементов-примесей, выделяемых на различных стадиях обогащения кварца
Danilevskaya Л.А., Skamnitskaya L.S., Dubinchuk V.Т., Rakov L.Т. Types of impurity phases and impurity elements extracted at different quartz dressing stages // Mineralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 134-140
The general principles of making quartz dressing charts are discussed. The need for the integrated study of the physical and chemical properties of quartz from each deposit is shown. impurities are classified and possible methods for their removal upon dressing are described.

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Last modified: June 4, 2012