В.В. Мазалов, Л.И. Трухина.
Производящие функции и вектор Майерсона в коммуникационных сетях
// Дискретная математика, том 26, вып. 3. 2014. C. 65-75
Ключевые слова: cooperative games; imputation distribution; the Myerson vector
Cooperative games on undirected graphs are considered. The characteristic function is defined in a specialway with due account of the number of links and distances between vertices (players).Animputation procedure is put forward for a tree graph, the resulting imputation is shown to agree with theMyerson vector. For its calculation the use of the generating function is proposed. It is shown that the results obtained may be extended to games with arbitrary graphs.
Индексируется в РИНЦ
Последние изменения: 20 мая 2016