Chernobrovkina N.P., Robonen E.V., Unzhakov A.R., Tyutyunnik N.N.
Arginine in the life of coniferous plants
// Contemporary Problems of Ecology. Т. 9. № 5. 2016. Pp. 600-607
Ключевые слова: amino acids, coniferous plants, l-arginine, light intensity, metabolism, mineral nutrition, temperature
This review summarizes the results of long-term studies of the arginine status in coniferous plants. The characteristics of the arginine metabolism in coniferous species; its annual and daily dynamics; and the effect of temperature, light, and mineral nutrition on the accumulation of this amino acid in plant organs and tissues are described. Methods for increasing the arginine content in coniferous plants via regulating their mineral nutrition are discussed.
Индексируется в Web of Science, РИНЦ, Google Scholar
Последние изменения: 27 января 2017