Савельева Н., Муллонен И., Федюнева Г.
Карело-русский и коми-зырянско-русский словари-разговорники в рукописном сборнике 1668 г
// Linguistica Uralica. Т. 57. № 4. 2021. C. 250-276
Ключевые слова: Karelian language, Komi-Zyrian language, dictionary, lexicography, 17th-century written sources, linguistic commentary
This article is a first publication of the dictionary materials on the Karelian and Komi-Zyrian languages from the hand-written volume made in 1668 by monastic
deacon Prochor Kolomnjatin in the Rostov-Jaroslavl land. The volume was discovered by N. V. SavelÍjeva in the Manuscripts Department of the State Historical Museum (Moscow). Apart from the materials stated above, it contains a unique Turkic-Russian thesaurus, as well as copies of several known lexicographical monuments. The Karelian collection includes some 600, and the Komi collection about 100 words, representing colloquial vocabulary and terminology associated with work and natural environment. The Komi-Zyrian phrasebook also contains a detailed invoice and a translation of the Holy God prayer. The publishers believe that the content of the dictionaries was recorded directly from native speakers, by ear, and thus reflects the language actually spoken in the 17th century. The publication of the dictionaries is supplied with linguistic comments permitting some preliminary conclusions to be made concerning the language of these sources and their origins. The main parame ters of the lexeme collection in the Karelian dictionary suggest it belongs to the Karelian proper variant, bearing some Tver or related dialectal features. At the same time, it contains some lexemes and phonetic traits comparable to Eastern Finnish dialectal data. The Komi-Zyrian dictionary, although much smaller, contains quite definite information about the dialectal characteristics of the language in the source. The phonetic correspondences > ~ A ~ ø, the palatal <Í, @Í and the clusters :@, :<, and deaffrication of <9 into occlusive-palatal <Í, which are the main discriminants for Komi dialects, as well as dialect-oriented vocabulary suggest that the language of the source is affiliated (or close) to the Vym dialect, one of the earliest dialects of the Komi language. The Karelian or Komi original can be found or reconstructed for a vast majority of words in the volume. This source generally demonstrates that the languages represented there have not undergone major changes over the past 350 years.
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Последние изменения: 22 февраля 2022