Илюха О.П.
"Начало всех начал": образ Карелии в учебниках по краеведению для младших школьников (конец XIX - начало ХХI вв.)
This article gives an analysis of local lore textbooks for primary schools of Karelia, which play a big role in shaping the worldview and historical memory of people living in the region. The analysis included books of three generations published in different historical periods: in the 19th century, in Soviet times, and in the 21st century. The key components of the image of Karelia, portraying its nature, economy, culture, and history, were identified. The representation of the elements of the image such as the border, Kivach waterfalls, Kizhi Island is exhibited. The ratio of the historical background and modernity as the “temporal” parameters of representation was determined. One of the findings was that the figure of Peter the Great was consistently present in the schoolbooks irrespective of the political and ideological situation, although the approach angles varied. The specific features of the patriotic intention in the different book generations are displayed.
Индексируется в РИНЦ
Последние изменения: 25 февраля 2022