T.V. Zhilina.
Soil properties spatial variability and it's connection with meadow phytoconosis biological diversity
// Biodiversity of Fennoscandia (diversity, human impact, nature conservation). Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 1997.
Variability is a result and at the same time manifestation of natural diversity. Variability itself must be a subject of study as a phenomenon, having causes and effects. The objective of our study was to determine soil properties variability in conjunction with meadow vegetation diversity parameters.

Old-sowed cultural meadows of Eastern Fennoscandia (south-west part of Karelia, Janysjarvi lake environs) were studied. Geobotanical descriptions were carried out on eight plots, following parameters of meadow phytocenosis were studied: species quantity, species frequency, crop productivity. Soil samples of sod-podzolic soils A horizon (deep 10-20cm) were collected on the same plots and analysed for organic carbon and general nitrogen contents, acidity, pH, texture.

Soil and geobotanical investigations results were treated with Factor Analysis. Factor Analysis shows conjunction of soil properties variability and meadow phytocenosis parameters variability. The most distinct relation between pH, acidity, organic carbon and silt particles contents variability and phytocenosis parameters were established. Variability of soil properties, characterising soil fertility, correlates with meadow species diversity and crop productivity. Data obtained, unfortunately, did not allow to find out strict quantitative relation between soil properties and phytodiversity. Intensive further investigations are needed.
Последние изменения: 31 мая 2012