A.V.Freindling, A.R.Khazov, A.V.Ryabinkin.
The comcept of a generalized database for assessment of the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems
// Biodiversity of Fennoscandia (diversity, human impact, nature conservation). Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 1997.
Hydroecosystems have a special position in the structure of biogeocenoses as they are relatively isolated from their other structural units.
Obviously,the optimum way of preserving the biodiversity of aquatic organisms is to preserve all conditions required for their existence.Thus, to assess the dynamics of biodiversity and to reveal the biocenoses to be protected, hydrological (HL),hydrochemical (HC),and hydrobiological (HB) databases should be formed.Hydrological databases play the leading role in applied research done to estimate the quality of one or another habitat and to assess the bioresources of waterbodies and watercourses.
To draw a well grounded conclusion, large volumes of heterogeneous original information should be compared, which is practically impossible without computing techniques and relevant software.When analysing field data, conclusions regarding the state of the ecosystems (ECS) are drawn using the following scheme (Fig.1).
HL -->HC<-->HB
Fig.1. Sequence of data use during analysis of the state of the ecosystem.
In Figure 1,arrows indicate relationships between primary data blocks that reflect relation between the abiotic and biotic constituents of the ecosystem. However, to use it subsequently in the chain, available field data should be processed, depending on the problem posed.Obvoiusly,the most rational solution would be to form a generalized database (GDB),where the results of processing of each original DB are used as components.
It would be reasonable to expand GDB by adding a programme for automatic selection of data and the type of specialized processing of primary DBs for typical problems.In this case,the entire software used acquires some properties of an expert system.
For the above concept to materialize, the software required is being developed by the Laboratory of Hydrobiology, North's Water Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Obviously,the optimum way of preserving the biodiversity of aquatic organisms is to preserve all conditions required for their existence.Thus, to assess the dynamics of biodiversity and to reveal the biocenoses to be protected, hydrological (HL),hydrochemical (HC),and hydrobiological (HB) databases should be formed.Hydrological databases play the leading role in applied research done to estimate the quality of one or another habitat and to assess the bioresources of waterbodies and watercourses.
To draw a well grounded conclusion, large volumes of heterogeneous original information should be compared, which is practically impossible without computing techniques and relevant software.When analysing field data, conclusions regarding the state of the ecosystems (ECS) are drawn using the following scheme (Fig.1).
HL -->HC<-->HB
Fig.1. Sequence of data use during analysis of the state of the ecosystem.
In Figure 1,arrows indicate relationships between primary data blocks that reflect relation between the abiotic and biotic constituents of the ecosystem. However, to use it subsequently in the chain, available field data should be processed, depending on the problem posed.Obvoiusly,the most rational solution would be to form a generalized database (GDB),where the results of processing of each original DB are used as components.
It would be reasonable to expand GDB by adding a programme for automatic selection of data and the type of specialized processing of primary DBs for typical problems.In this case,the entire software used acquires some properties of an expert system.
For the above concept to materialize, the software required is being developed by the Laboratory of Hydrobiology, North's Water Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Последние изменения: 20 ноября 2006