
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Зеленый пояс Фенноскандии
Indexed at RSCI

Articles in journal:

A.N. Gromtsev, A.V. Kravchenko. The system of protected areas in the Karelian part of the green belt of Fennoscandia: an integrated description and representativeness7
E.A. Borovichev, N.E. Koroleva, N.V. Polikarpova, V.N. Petrov, O.V. Petrova, M.G. Trusova. The network of protected areas in the Murmansk part of the Green belt of Fennoscandia: history, current situation and prospects20
S.A. Svetov, V.S. Kulikov, A.I. Slabunov. Geological structure of the Fennoscandian Green Belt32
T.S. Shelekhova. Quaternary deposits and geomorphology of the Green belt of Fennoscandia41
O.N. Bakhmet, M.V. Medvedeva. Reference soils of the Fennoscandian Green Belt51
M.N. Kozhin, E.A. Borovichev, O.A. Belkina, D.A. Davydov, D.B. Denisov, L.G. Isaeva, N.A. Konstantinova, A.V. Melekhin, K.B. Popova, G.P. Urbanavichus, Yu.R. Khimich. History and main outputs of cryptogams study in the Green belt of Fennoscandia within Murmansk region64
B.V. Raevsky, V.V. Tarasenko. Investigation of the dynamics of forests in the Karelian part of the Green belt of Fennoscandia by remote sensing89
E.A. Borovichev, M.N. Kozhin, O.A. Belkina, N.A. Konstantinova, A.V. Kravchenko, A.V. Melekhin, K.B. Popova, G.P. Urbanavichus, Yu.R. Khimich. The role of protected areas in conserving rare fungi, lichens and plants in the green belt of fennoscandia (Murmansk region)100
D.V. Panchenko, P.I. Danilov, K.F. Tirronen, A. Paasivaara, Yu.A. Krasovsky. Features of ungulates distribution in the Karelian part of the Green belt of Fennoscandia119
I.V. Zatsarinnyi, N.V. Polikarpova, E.L. Tolmacheva, A.A. Bol'shakov, U.Yu. Shavrina, V.S. Varyukhin. The role of special protected areas of the Murmansk part of the Green belt of Fennoscandia in the diversity conservation of rare bird species129
E.M. Klyuchnikova, A.F. Titov, V.A. Masloboev, V.N. Petrov. Green belt of Fennoscandia as a factor for socio-economic development of border areas144
P.V. Druzhinin, G.T. Shkiperova, A.E. Kurilo. Territorial development in the Green belt of Fennoscandia based on tourism activation154
O.V. Petrova, E.A. Borovichev. Ecotourism in the Fennoscandian Green Belt: opportunities, challenges, characteristics (the case of the Murmansk region)166
Short communications182
V.A. Ananyev, S.M. Sinkevich. The rationale for forestry in protective forests in the Green belt of Fennoscandia while preserving their ecosystem functions182
N.V. Mikhailova, A.A. Smirnova, N.I. Rodchenkova. International workshop "Development of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia: environment, economy, education" (Petrozavodsk – Sortavala, October 2–4, 2018)190
Reviews and bibliography195
Основные научные публикации, посвященные Зеленому поясу Фенноскандии195
Last modified: May 8, 2019