Scientific activities
Major research themes
Karelian Research Centre (KarRC RAS) is one of the biggest regional divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Northwest Russia. Founded in 1946, the Centre now comprises seven scientific institutions: Institute of Biology, Northern Water Problems Institute, Institute of Geology, Forest Research Institute, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Institute of Economics, Institute of Language, Literature and History. The staff of the Centre is around 900, and over 40% of them are researchers, including 56 doctors (DSc) and 212 candidates (PhD). KarRC RAS Doctoral School annually trains ca. 70 students in 30 scientific disciplines.
The key research themes for KarRC institutes are:
investigations into resource potential of forest and wetland ecosystems, development of methods for sustainable multi-purpose use and conservation of the natural resources of Eastern Fennoscandia;study of topical issues of biology and ecology, elaboration of biological foundations for the use and conservation of plant and animal biodiversity;studies on the geological structure, identification of patterns in Precambrian and Quaternary geological processes in Fennoscandia, working out of a scientific basis for the development of mining industry in Karelia;research into the regional problems of socio-economic development of the Republic of Karelia in the context of a developing market economy, and pathways for its integration in the national and international economic communities; elaboration of methods for mathematical and information modeling to enable optimal management of natural, social, and production units; development of IT systems to support basic research;studies on the history, languages, the processes of formation, functioning and interrelations of the indigenous cultures of the Republic of Karelia and adjacent regions.
Research themes for the institutes within the Centre are chiefly formulated in conformance with relevant programmes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian ministries and departments, which define the main sources of funding. The share of competition-based grant funding from various scientific foundations, as well as projects implemented under contracts with international, federal and regional organizations and bodies has lately been growing.
Institutes of the Karelian Research Centre RAS are actively involved in medium- and long-term planning of the Republic of Karelia development. The “Concept of socio-economic development of the Republic of Karelia in 1999 - 2002 - 2010”, to which KarRC RAS has contributed, is an important governmental document that KarRC RAS scientists now use to prepare development programmes for specific sectors of the economy and for territorial units, to work out laws and regulations, such as:
Ecological-economic assessment of mineral resources of the Republic of Karelia;State monitoring of surface waters in the Republic of Karelia;
Regional ad hoc programme “Wastes”;
Key strategic areas for socio-economic development of the Town of Sortavala;Regional law “On the biological diversity of the Republic of Karelia”.
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Scientific activities
Last modified: May 4, 2017