
Projects Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS

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Projects in 2021-2025 (total 35)
  • (2018-2021 , Pekkoev, Alexey, , BOFORI (ÊÀ 4002))
    Cross-border cooperation of small and medium-sized (SME) businesses in forest bioeconomy is modest and existing business potential related to intensive forestry is not fully utilized.
    In the Republic of Karelia forest cluster SMEs are struggling with problems caused by inefficient wood sourcing and undeveloped forestry services, while in the Finnish side of the border companies have decades’ practical experience on sustainable and intensive forest management and service business based value chain in forestry. At the same time, companies on the both sides of the border are facing problems that could possibly be solved by increasing cross-border interaction. In addition, utilization of modern technologies could offer cost efficient and quick information source about state and changes of forest areas, which is essential for operational planning process.
  • Ñîllaborative Data and Information Exchange Network for Managing Invasive Alien Species
    (2018-2021 , Polevoi, Alexey)
  • Sustainability Under Pressure: Environmental Resilience in natural and cultural heritage areas with intensive recreation
    (2018-2021 )
  • Advanced forest nursery
    (2019-2022 , Raevsky, Boris V., , ÊÀ4011)
  • Cross-border tools for biodiversity hotspots preservation via monitoring and prevention of forest fires along Russian-Finnish border
    (2019-2022 , Raevsky, Boris V., , ÊÀ5051)
  • (2019-2021 , Moshnikov, Sergey, , KS1716)
  • The Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN)
    (2019-2021 )
  • Development of structural anomalies of wood on the example of Karelian birch: peculiarities of synthesis, transport and inactivation of auxin
    (2019-2021 , Galibina, Natalya A., The Russian Fund for Basic Research, 19-04-00622_à)
  • (2019-2021 , Filatov, Nikolay N., The Russian Fund for Basic Research, ¹ 18-05-60296 Àðêòèêà)
    System research on social, environmental and economic processes at the White Sea and in its catchment (White Sea region) as part of Russia’s Arctic zone is carried out with the principal aim to assess the state of and changes in the economy and the White Sea ecosystem, and the opportunities for improving the conditions for the live of the human population.