
Pellinen, Natalia Projects

  • (2022-2023 , Rodionova, Alexandra, , 22-28-20215)
    This project is aimed at preserving the cultural and historical values ​​of the indigenous peoples of Karelia, namely the Karelian and Veps languages, which are under a serious threat of extinction. The most important component of the complex of measures for the preservation of any languages ​​is their documentation and study. In modern conditions of digitalization of scientific knowledge, a special place in the process of linguistic research is occupied by corpuses - information and reference systems designed to simplify and accelerate the process of linguistic processing of large volumes of linguistic data. This project is aimed at solving the problem of creating a corpus of sounding Karelian and Vepsian speech.
  • Pisma Anny Ryajhya
    (2015-2016 , Ilyukha, Olga P., программа Президиума РАН)
  • About member Pellinen, Natalia

    Last modified: March 15, 2022