
Scientific publications

А.М. Андреева, Р.А. Федоров, И.П. Рябцева, Н.Е. Ламаш, А.Э. Филиппова.
Идентификация вителлогенина в крови мелкочешуйной красноперки-угай Tribolodon brandtii
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2013. C. 46-51
A.M. Andreeva, R.A. Fyodorov, I.P. Ryabtseva, N.E. Lamash, A.E. Philippova. Identification of vitellogenin in the blood serum of the pacific redfin Tribolodon brandtii // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2013. Pp. 46-51
Keywords: Tribolodon brandtii; blood; vitellogenin; electrophoresis; mass spectrometry
We identified the protein vitellogenin in the blood serum of the pre-spawning females of Tribolodon brandtii from the Sea of Japan using proteomic methods – 2d-SDS- electrophoresis and MALDI mass spectrometry in the tandem mode. The search for homologues in the DB NCBI by the spectra of fragmentation of the analyzed protein made it possible to identify the vitellogenin of Tribolodon brandtii with the high «score» criterion. The results showed vitellogenin can be successfully identified by its C-terminal region, which is not part of conservative motifs. The results suggest proteomic methods can be used to monitor waterbodies.

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Last modified: July 12, 2013