
Scientific publications

Щербаков А.Н., Никитский Н.Б., Полевой А.В., Хумала А.Э.
К фауне жесткокрылых насекомых заповедника «Пасвик» (Insecta, Coleoptera)
// Вестник МГУЛ - Лесной вестник. № 6 (98). 2013. C. 16-21
Keywords: «Pasvik» Nature reserve, fauna, Coleoptera, species list, new findings
Coleoptera species are recorded from «Pasvik» Nature Reserve. Annotated species list with comments on most interesting findings is presented. 103 species recorded for the first time from the territory of reserve and 1 species – from Russia
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: April 19, 2016