
Scientific publications

Кравченко А.В.
Festuca altissima All. (Poaceae) - новый аборигенный вид для Республики Карелия
// Новости систематики высших растений. Т. 45. 2014. C. 14-17
Kravchenko A.V. Festuca altissima All. (Poaceae), a new indigenous species for Republic of Karelia // Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium. Vol. 45. 2014. Pp. 14-17
Keywords: Festuca altissima, new record, Republic of Karelia
An indigenous species Festuca altissima All. (Poaceae) is reported for the Republic of Karelia for the first time. Both discovered localities on the southwestern shore of Onega Lake are situated at a long distance (400-450 km) from the northern limit of the species distribution range.
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Last modified: April 19, 2016