
Scientific publications

Е.П. Иешко, А.Е. Веселов, С.А. Мурзина, Й. Гейст, Д.И. Лебедева, Д.А. Ефремов, М.А. Ручьев, А.А. Зотин.
Пресноводная жемчужница Margaritifera margaritifera L. в реке Сюскюян-йоки (бассейн Ладожского озера)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Зеленый пояс Фенноскандии. 2014. C. 123-133
E.P. Ieshko, A.E. Veselov, S.A. Murzina, J. Geist, D.I. Lebedeva, D.A. Efremov, M.A. Ruchiev, A.A. Zotin. Freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L. in Syskyänjoki (Ladoga lake catchment) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Green Belt of Fennoscandia. 2014. Pp. 123-133
Keywords: freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L., Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., glochidial infestation, nature protection and conservation.
Cohabitation of land-locked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. parr and freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L. in the Syskyänjoki River, which empties into Lake Ladoga, was studied. Data on the population size, spatial distribution and age structure of the salmon parr and the freshwater pearl mussel are presented. It is shown that the intensity of the glochidial infection in salmon parr may vary in a wide range, sometimes exceeding 2000 larvae per fish. The effect of temperature conditions in the river on the duration of the parasitic phase, which lasted more than 8 month in the studied period, was analyzed. The results of the histological analysis of the development of glochidia encysted on the gills of salmon juveniles are reported. The results obtained in this study have been used to substantiate the designation of the Syskyänjoki zoological nature reserve for conservation of freshwater pearl mussel and landlocked Atlantic salmon populations.

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Last modified: January 17, 2015