
Scientific publications

Медведева М.В., Зачиняева А.В., Раевский Б.В.
Биологическая активность почв сосновых биогеоценозов Заонежья
// Современные проблемы науки и образования. № 1. 2015. C. 748
Medvedeva M.V., Zachinyaeva A.V., Raevskiy B.V. Biological activity in soils under pine biogeocenosis in Zaonezhye // Modern problems of science and education. № 1. 2015. P. 748
Keywords: Karelia, middle taiga, bilberry pine forest, soil biological activity, microbial coenosis
The studies were carried out in the middle taiga subzone of Karelia. The sample plot lies within a bilberry pine stand with soils and vegetation typical of selka ridge landscapes in Western Zaonezhye. The main physical-chemical (soil morphological structure, pH, bulk density, content of macro and micro elements) and microbiological (abundances of bacteria fixing organic and mineral nitrogen, oligotrophic and oligonitrophilic bacteria, actinomycetes, microscopic fungi, structure of the cellulolytic complex) soil properties were determined by the comparative analysis of soil composition and properties. Differentiation between horizons is problematic because the soils are very stony; multiple humus layers, which accumulate mineral nutrients, are found all across the soil profile. The rates of microbiological processes vary: topsoil proved to be the most microbiologically active horizon. The group numerically prevailing in the microbial community is oligonitrophilic bacteria, indicating that the microbial coenosis is oligotrophic with respect to nitrogen. Cellulolytic microorganisms are not abundant, and their activity is low. Yet, owing to the richness of the parent rock and the brown-earth type of soil formation all major ecological-trophic groups are present in the microbial community, no individual groups found missing. The data obtained from the integrated studies can be used in long-term monitoring of Zaonezhye forest ecosystems, as well as for substantiating the designation of protected areas in Karelia.
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Last modified: August 19, 2016