
Scientific publications

С.Б. Николаева, Н.Б. Лаврова, Д.С. Толстобров, Д.Б. Денисов.
Реконструкция палеогеографических обстановок голоцена в районе озера Имандра (Кольский регион): результаты палеолимнологических исследований
S.B. Nikolaeva, N.B. Lavrova, D.S. Tolstobrov, D.B. Denisov. Reconstructions of holocene paleogeographic conditions in the Lake Imandra area (Kola region): results of palaeolimnological studies // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Limnology. 2015. Pp. 34-47
Keywords: lakes, palaeolimnological reconstructions, stratigraphy, spore-pollen spectra, Holocene, Kola region
The lithostratigraphic, palaebotanical, and chronometric (radiocarbon dating) data on small and medium lakes around Lake Imandra (Kola region) are reported. The investigation of the sedimentary sections of modern lake basins has resulted in identification of various sediment facies, determination of the main stages of lake formation, and reconstruction of the Holocene vegetation dynamics.
Last modified: June 16, 2015