
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 8. Серия Гуманитарные исследования
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2015. 144 с.
Indexed at RSCI

Articles in journal:

A.Yu. Tarasov, M.B. Zobkov. Eneolithic workshop sites on the western coast of Onega lake: spatial analysis3
T.A. Khoroshun, I.M. Summamen. Role of natural sciences methods in archaeological research of ceramics in Karelia17
N.A. Korablyov , E.Yu. Dubrovskaya. The effects of World War I on socioeconomic life of the population of Karelia28
N.V. Drannikova. "Folklore": the history of the term’s use and its importance in the Russian science39
E.G. Rakhimova. Natatorial birds in the Kalevala meter runes46
N. Rakin. Designations of the atmospheric phenomena in the structure of meteorological vocabulary of the Permian languages56
T.R. Dushenkova. The concepts ush’yan and kurlan in Udmurt linguoculture: the phenomenon of public opinion62
A.V. Каmitova. The topic of “shyness” in a poem by Ashalchi Oki69
N.V. Gorinova. Komi drama in 1990 years: some aspects of study of question76
Kirill M. Tovbin. The orthodox edinoverie and its role in Russian secularization83
Doctoral student notebooks97
К.В. Годунов. Petrozavodsk 7–8 November 1918: provincial center in the days of celebrations97
S.A. Minvaleev. The funeral and memorial rites of the ludics (based on the R.F. Taroeva’s first ethnology expedition)104
Минвалеев С.А. Похоронно-поминальная обрядность карелов-людиков (по материалам первой этнографической экспедиции Р. Ф. Тароевой)104
M.V. Kazakova. Bilingual text′s features in the history of Karelian literature113
G.V. Suzi. The reorganization of timber industy of the Soviet Karelia after the Winter War121
D.V. Gerasimov. Archaelogical seminar "Tver land and neighbouring territiries in ancient times" (to the anniversary of Igor N. Chernykh)127
Dates and anniversaries130
L.I. Vavulinskaya. Maria N. Vlasova (on the 90th anniversary)130
Reviews and bibliography133
Yu.G. Shikalov. Review on book "Rajan maakunta. Pohjois-Karjalan historia 1939–2014. Ismo Björn (Toim.). Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2014. 458 s. (Пограничная провинция. история провинции северна133
Last modified: April 27, 2016