
Scientific publications

Aaro S., Белашев Б.З., Бойчук М.А. и др.
Костомукшский рудный район (геология, глубинное строение и минерагения)
отв. ред.: Горьковец В.Я., Шаров Н.В.
Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2015. 322 с.
Kostomuksha Ore Area (geology, deep structure and mineralogeny). / Executive editors: Gorkovets V.Ya. and Sharov N.V.. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, RAS, 2015. 322 p.
A modern concept of the deep structure of the earth crust and upper mantle of the central Karelian craton, based on the geological and geophysical information obtained over the past 50 years, is presented.
Geological, tectonic, geophysical and mineralogenic data were summed up and interpreted to better understand the deep structure and composition of the lithosphere and to re-assess its possible geological nature and geodynamic setting.
The book is meant for a large community of geologists and geophysicists, who study the deep structure of old platforms and explore ore deposits, and senior geology and geophysics students.
Last modified: November 23, 2017