
Scientific publications

Литинский П.Ю.
Геоинформационная модель наземных экосистем Прибеломорской низменности
Litinsky P.Yu. Geographical Information Model of Terrestrial Ecosystems of the White Sea Lowland // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Biogeography. 2016. Pp. 3-9
Keywords: geographical information modeling; boreal ecosystems; remote sensing; Quaternary deposits
The results of building the geoinformation model of terrestrial ecosystems by Landsat spectral space modeling are reported. The spectral space model accurately reflects the natural structure of the forest and mire cover, which is related to the type of Quaternary deposits and the type of water and mineral nutrition. An enhanced technique for 3D visualization of the spectral model was applied, allowing to identify several classes of paludified pine forests and types of mires in the lowland. The fragment described in the paper completes the first phase of building the geoinformation model of terrestrial ecosystems of the north-taiga subzone of Eastern Fennoscandia. The fundamental difference of this model from the traditional ones, generated by methods of “supervised classification”, is that instead of the number of key sites on the ground, chosen more or less subjectively, the result here depends on an objective, measurable biophysical parameter, i. e. the position of the ecosystem in the spectral space of the scanner image.
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Last modified: September 26, 2016