
Scientific publications

Мазалов В.В., Печников А.А., Трухина Л.И., Цынгуев Б.Т.
Ранжирование академического веб-пространства
// Управление большими системами, вып. 61. 2016. C. 118-135
Mazalov V., Pechnikov A., Trukhina L., Tsynguev B. Ranking of russian academic web // Large-Scale Systems Control, v.61. 2016. Pp. 118-135
Keywords: Electric centrality, Myerson value, webgraph
We propose to apply the methods of the graph theory and the cooperative game theory for determining nodes centrality in weighted graphs. In this method a graph considers like electric circuit, where the centrality measure is the total sum of electric current flow through this node. The computing of betweeness centrality is based on the inverse Kirchhoff’s matrix. This method has low computational complexity. The results of numerical experiments of electric centrality are presented for graph of web sites of Russian academic organizations. We compare our results with the popular Page Rank method.
Last modified: June 9, 2016