
Scientific publications

Галибина Н.А., Новицкая Л.Л., Софронова И.Н.
Внесение нитратного азота увеличивает донорную функцию листьев карельской березы
Galibina N.A., Novitskaya L.L., Sofronova I.N. Application of nitrate nitrogen enhances the source function of leaves in karelian birch // International journal of applied and fundamental research. No 10 (4). 2016. Pp. 582-586
Keywords: Karelian birch, nitrates impact, leaves, sucrose metabolism, pigments
The effect of exogenous nitrate on photosynthetic activity, content of sucrose and starch, and activity of sucrose metabolic enzymes, sucrose synthase (SS ) and cell-wall invertase (Cw-Inv), in leaves on long (auxiblasts) and short (brachyblasts) shoots were studied in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth var. pendula) and Karelian birch (B. pendula var. carelica). L eaves on brachyblasts in experimental birch plant demonstrated an increase in the total content of pigments and the share of chlorophyll in the light-harvesting complex. A dditional application of potassium nitrate did not modify the level of sucrose – the main transport sugar in birch, but had a negative effect on starch content. Its amounts in silver birch decreased 1.4-fold in leaves on brachyblasts, and in Karelian birch the reduction was 2.6- and 3.1-fold in leaves on auxiblasts and brachyblasts, respectively. A pplication of potassium nitrate to silver birch inhibited SS activity and promoted C w-Inv activity, indicating increased utilization of sucrose in leaves. T he effect in Karelian birch leaves was a rise in SS activity, pointing to increased synthesis of sucrose and its greater transport to sink organs.
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Last modified: January 16, 2017