
Scientific publications

Kurhinen J., Ajupov A., Bespalova T., Danilov P., Drozdova Z., Fyodorov F., Helle P., Krabry V., Kochanov S., Korolev A., Larin E., Linden H., Mamontov V., Meidus A., Neifeld N., Ovaskainen O., Pavlov A., Piminov, Sivkov A., Yakovleva M., Kossenko S.
Black Grouse population changes in boreal forests of Eurasia
// 13th International grouse Symposium. Program and Abstracts. Reykjavík, Iceland, 04-07 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2015 ã. Èçä.: University of Freiburg-IMTEK, 2015. P. 49
We have studied Black Grouse population abundance and its dynamics in large regions of
North-Europe and Urals’ taiga (Finland, Russian Karelia, Murmansk, Arhangel, Kirov and Komi
regions and). The data is based on Winter Track Counts (WTC, Priklonski, 1973), where all
grouse sightings are recorded. We also studied the longterm Black Grouse abundance changes
in Russian and Belarus Natural Reserves (by “Chronical of Natural” Programme, including
summer counts of forest grouses): Pinezhsky, Pechoro-Ilychskiy, National Park “Mechera”,
Nature Reserve “Kivach”, “Bryansk Forest”, Kostomuksha Nature Reserve Volzhsko-Kamsky
National Nature Biosphere Reserve and Visimskiy State Nature Reserves. The highest and most
stable abundances of Black Grouse were recorded from East Fennoscandia (Karelia – 3.6 birds
per 10 km; Finland – 4.4, coefficient of variation – 12% and 27%, respectively), whereas in the
Murmansk and Arkhangelsk Regions and Komi republic, e.g. the species abundance indices were
0.5, 2.5 and 1.1 birds per 10 km, respectively. The “Peak” and minimal abundance years do not
concur in different regions of north-European taiga. In Komi in the period from 2001 to 2013,
the number of the Black Grouse declined twice, in Arhangel in the period 30 years – decreased
fivefold. In Tatarstan Republic (Volzhsko-Kamsky National Nature Biosphere Reserve) after
1980 abundance decreased rapidly and at last 10 tears – disappeared. In Central Siberia BG are
small in numbers and rare. The data suggest Black Grouse abundance varies significantly across
Northern Eurasia and among years. One may presume there are some factors acting in different
directions: towards convergence and towards divergence of the trends.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: January 24, 2017