
Scientific publications

Петров Н.В., Карпин В.А., Туюнен А.В.
Субландшафтные особенности формирования лесного покрова Национального парка «Водлозерский» на уровне местности
Petrov N.V., Karpin V.A., Tuyunen A.V. Sub-landscape (locality level) characteristics of forest cover formation in Vodlozersky National Park // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2017. Pp. 97-104
Keywords: landscape profile; landform; ecosite; typological structure of forests; tree stands; fire dynamics
The results of studies on the sub-landscape structure of forests in the Karelian part of the Vodlozersky national park are presented. Seven types of geographical localities (local landscape) were identified, their digital map was produced. Characteristics of the forest cover formation and dynamics are described for three localities that differed the most in the composition of Quaternary sediments, genetically related soils, combination of mesorelief forms, and degree of paludification. Data are presented on the typological structure, composition and age structure of the forests, their positions in mesorelief. The fire history of the forests is briefly described.
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Last modified: April 19, 2017