
Scientific publications

М.Н. Кожин, Н.С. Гамова.
Дополнение к конспекту флоры заповедника «Утриш» (Северо-Западный Кавказ)
M.N. Kozhin, N.S. Gamova. Additions to the vascular flora of the Utrish strict nature reserve, Northwest Caucasus // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Biogeography. 2017. Pp. 84-88
Keywords: vascular plants; flora records; flora of the Caucasus; Krasnodar Region
Information about 10 species new for the Utrish Reserve (Acer tataricum L., Alyssum umbellatum Desv., Centaurea micrantha S. G. Gmelin, Linaria simplex L., Hippuris vulgaris L., Iberis taurica DC., Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Orobanche dalmatica (G. Beck) Tzvelev, Trifolium retusum L., Ventenata dubia (Leers) Coss.) and about some species rare in the reserve is provided.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: June 22, 2017