
Scientific publications

В.Л. Миронов.
О потенциале метода геотропических изгибов в исследовании роста сфагновых мхов
V.L. Mironov. On the potential of the method of geotropic curvatures for the study of growth in peat mosses // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 9. Ecological Studies Series. 2017. Pp. 98-104
Keywords: innate markers; shoot declination; snow load; nival and artifi cially induced geotropic curvatures; artefactual phenomenon.
There is around a dozen of methods for determination of length increment in peat mosses. A majority of them are very labour intensive but with low output and some artefactual phenomena that aff ect the increment estimates. This paper describes the capabilities of the recently designed method of geotropic curvatures, which is based on the explicit negative geotropic response of peat moss shoots. Several variants of determining length increment are suggested and some promising lanes of research which can be promoted using the method of geotropic curvatures are considered.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: September 27, 2017