
Scientific publications

Дружинин П.В., Прокопьев Е.А.
Влияние интеграционных процессов в ЕС на динамику уровня безработицы
// РИСК: Ресурсы, информация, снабжение, конкуренция. 2017. №1. 2017. C. 81-89
This paper seeks to gain insights on the dynamics of unemployment in the EU over the past forty years, and identifies the impact of the integration process. During this period, the EU has grown from nine to twenty-eight countries. We shed light on accession to EU of countries with different levels of economic development. Results show that positive effect on the new EU member is not immediately, but after some time. EU countries converge on the parameters in the absence of crises. It has been shown that the level of unemployment in a country at a time associated with labor productivity - the higher it is, the lower the unemployment rate, however, labor productivity growth over time in a country does not guarantee the reduction of unemployment. Crises lead to divergence, the unemployment rate and some other indicators in countries with inefficient economy sharply deteriorated.
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Last modified: October 25, 2017