
Scientific publications

Гаврилова О.И., Гаврилов В.Н.
Формирование сосново-березовых молодняков на осушаемых переходных болотах южной Карелии
// Известия высших учебных заведений. Лесной журнал. № 6 (360). 2017. C. 36-45
Gavrilova O.I., Gavrilov V.N. Formation of Pine and Birch Young Forests on Drained Transitional Mires of South Karelia // Bulletin of higher educational institutions. Lesnoy zhurnal. № 6 (360). 2017. Pp. 36-45
Keywords: middle taiga subzone, drained mire, scots pine, growth, conservation of plantations, stand quality
he paper presents data on the growth of artificial pine young forests created on the drained transitional mire in the middle taiga subzone. The authors provide the study materials of 20-year research on the basis of experimental sites of the Forestry Research Institute of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Cultures were established in 1972 on the territory of the Kindazovsky district forestry of the Pryazhinsky central forestry (the Republic of Karelia) in a mire drained 3 years before planting. Two-year-old standard seedlings of Scots pine grown in the open ground were used. The plant spacing was 0.6 m with a total initial density of crops of 4.0...4.5 ths pcs/ha. A pine and birch stand was formed by the age of 20 years. At the age of 20 to 40 years, cultures were studied according to the standard methods adopted in the taxation. Cultivation of pine cultures on drained poor transitional mires had proved to be a highly effective measure in the context of forestry. High-density young growths with productivity at least equal to the third yield class were formed on the forest cultures sites. The conservation of cultures was high. At the age of 20-25 years, this indicator was from 65 to 75 %. In the future, as the height of crops increased, the attrition of seedlings intensified, and by the age of 40, the conservation declined to 35...45 %. At the initial density of planting 4.0...4.5 ths pcs/ha there was a sufficient number of stems on the area to form a full-fledged stand in the future. According to the size categories at the age of 40, the trees were classified as small (56…78 %) and medium (22...45 %). Thus, the tree stand formed on the forest plantation site can be characterized not only by high productivity, but also by good quality.
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Last modified: December 26, 2017