
Scientific publications

И.Н. Демидов, В.П. Ильина, Т.С. Шелехова, Б.З. Белашев, И.С. Инина.
Перспективы использования диатомитов Карелии
// Проблемы рационального использования природного и техногенного сырья Баренцева региона в технологии строительных и технических материалов. Материалы Второй международной научной конференции. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 55-57
I.N. Demidov, V.P. Iljina, T.S. Shelekhova, B.Z. Belashev, I.S. Inina. Possibilities of application of Karelian diatomites // Problems in the rational use of natural and technogenic raw materials from the Barents region in construction and technical material technology. Proceedings of Second International Conference. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2005. Pp. 55-57
Diatomites of Karelia were studied to determine the possibility of their use as filters and light-weight thermalinsulation bricks. In calcined samples of diatomites and diatomaceous sapropel the content of SiO2 was changing from 75 to 90-96%, specific weight was 0.19-0.8g/cm3, specific surface – 10-40m2/per gramme of sediment. Thermal treatment and leaching (boiling in 5% HCl) sharply reduced iron content to 0.075%.

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Last modified: November 30, 2006