
Scientific publications

В.П. Ильина, Л.С. Скамницкая.
Использование горных пород Карелии для производства керамики и строительных материалов
// Проблемы рационального использования природного и техногенного сырья Баренцева региона в технологии строительных и технических материалов. Материалы Второй международной научной конференции. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 85-87
V.P. Iljina, L.S. Skamnitskaya. Use of Karelian rocks for manufacture of ceramics and construction materials // Problems in the rational use of natural and technogenic raw materials from the Barents region in construction and technical material technology. Proceedings of Second International Conference. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2005. Pp. 85-87
The authors made a study of the rocks suitable for manufacture of ceramics and construction materials. Quality of the
non-traditional resources of the feldspar material are no worse than that of the traditional ones and may be of interest for manufacture of low-temperature ceramics and sanitary ware. The influence of quartz and feldspar dust wastes on shrinkage, water absorption and strength of facing tiles was studied. Natural pigments (burnt umber, brown umber, yellow ochre), coloured natural rocks (wastes of microcline pegmatite with its typical pink tint), which are side-products of the mining and dressing mills in Karelia were studied as additives to the lime-and-sand mass to make coloured silicate bricks.

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Last modified: November 30, 2006