
Scientific publications

О.В. Мясникова, В.А. Шеков.
Методологические вопросы оценки долговечности облицовочного камня
// Проблемы рационального использования природного и техногенного сырья Баренцева региона в технологии строительных и технических материалов. Материалы Второй международной научной конференции. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 146-148
O.V. Mjasnikova, V.A. Shekov. Methodological aspects of estimation of durability of facing stone // Problems in the rational use of natural and technogenic raw materials from the Barents region in construction and technical material technology. Proceedings of Second International Conference. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2005. Pp. 146-148
The dependence of durability of natural stone on its physical and mechanical properties has been studied. Estimation figures of the non-destructive tests of strength properties of igneous rocks are given in the report. It has been proved that the higher the effective porosity and lesser the average density of igneous rocks the higher are the values of the specific micro-cleaviness and the lower the strength values in single-axis compression. The results of the tests are important to make a preliminary estimation of the strength properties of igneous rocks as one of the methods of express analysis.

problem_region_ispol_146.pdf (251 Kb, total downloads: 244)

Last modified: November 30, 2006