
Scientific publications

А.И. Николаев, Ю.В. Плешаков, Ю.Д. Брусницын, В.Б. Петров.
Компоненты электродных покрытий и флюсов из сырья Карело-Кольского Региона
// Проблемы рационального использования природного и техногенного сырья Баренцева региона в технологии строительных и технических материалов. Материалы Второй международной научной конференции. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 150-152
A.I. Nikolaev, Yu.V. Pleshakov, Yu.D. Brusnitsin, V.B.Petrov. Welding materials and fluxes from minerals of the Kola Peninsula and Republic of Karelia // Problems in the rational use of natural and technogenic raw materials from the Barents region in construction and technical material technology. Proceedings of Second International Conference. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2005. Pp. 150-152
Potential welding materials from minerals of the Kola Peninsula and Republic of Karelia including mining byproducts, mineral concentrates and products of their processing are shown. A specific programme for creating the production of new welding materials has been drawn up. It is suggested that achieving a higher level of mineral and technogenic resource recovery in the region is possible by actively involving them in production of welding materials. This calls for development of original formulas for electrode coatings and welding fluxes with components from the newly recovered resources. Such products may be of interest for both domestic and international markets.

problem_region_ispol_150.pdf (239 Kb, total downloads: 249)

Last modified: November 30, 2006