
Scientific publications

Т.М. Петрова, В.Н. Афанасьев.
Прогрессивные методы утилизации аминосодержащих отходов
// Проблемы рационального использования природного и техногенного сырья Баренцева региона в технологии строительных и технических материалов. Материалы Второй международной научной конференции. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 158-160
T.M. Petrova, V.N. Afanasiev. Progressive methods of utilization of amino-compound wastes // Problems in the rational use of natural and technogenic raw materials from the Barents region in construction and technical material technology. Proceedings of Second International Conference. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2005. Pp. 158-160
The widely spread in the North-Western Region of the RF clay soils are often used in building both as natural foundation and as industrial raw material. The problem of their use is very acute in road building.
The carried out researches showed that characteristics of clay soils might be improved by introducing aminocomplex
compounds into, which are synthesized out of wastes of chemical products and recycled rocket fuel products. Additions in the form of amino-complex compounds are acting as activators to hardening clay based compositions.
The results of researches have proved that applying of such additions gives increase in durability of clay based
compositions in 1,1 - 1,3 times if compared to the structure without the additive in the age of 3 days old and that of in 3,6 - 6,4 times in the age of 1 year old. During the research work two-factorial regressive, roentgen- phases and differential analyses have been used.
The offered structures of compositions containing amino-complex compounds can serve the purposes of long
and reliable localization of similar waste products.

problem_region_ispol_158.pdf (270 Kb, total downloads: 101)

Last modified: November 30, 2006