
Scientific publications

Е.А. Боровичев, М.Н. Кожин, А.В. Мелехин, Г.П. Урбанавичюс, Ю.Р. Химич, Е.И. Копеина.
Значимые находки растений, лишайников и грибов на территории Мурманской области. IV
E.A. Borovichev, M.N. Kozhin, A.V. Melekhin, G.P. Urbanavichus, Yu.R. Khimich, E.I. Kopeina. Noteworthy records of plants, lichens and fungi in the Murmansk region. IV // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 8. Biogeography. 2021. Pp. 5-18
Keywords: vascular plants; bryophytes; lichens; fungi; new records; rare species; Red Data Book; Kandalaksha District
Seventy nine important findings of 46 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi acquired lately from the Kandalaksha District of the Murmansk Region are reported. The findings were considered important if they were red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, represented other particularly rare species known from not more than Ave locations in the Murmansk Region, or came from the northernmost locations in Europe or globally. Six fungal species (Boletopsis grisea, Cystostereum murrayi, Irpex lacteus, Lenzites betulinus, Peniophora erikssonii, Steccherinum fimbriatum) were found in the region for the second time. New locations in the Kandalaksha District were found for four rare fungal species (Crustoderma corneum, Cystostereum murrayi, Phellodon melaleucus, Vuilleminia comedens). New location of 35 species listed in the Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region (Leptoporus mollis, Arctoparmelia subcentrifuga, Bryoria fremontii, Chaenotheca brachypoda, C. chlorella, C. gracillima, C. laevigata, C. subroscida, Chaenothecopsis nigra, Evernia divaricata, Lichenomphalia hudsoniana, Lobaria pulmonaria, Melanohalea exasperata, Pertusaria coronata, Phlyctis argena, Usnea glabrescens, Arnellia fennica, Metzgeria furcata, Scapania spitsbergensis, Crossocalyx hellerianus, Riccardia palmata, Buxbaumia aphylla, Asplenium viride, Botrychium lanceolatum, B. multifidum, Butomus umbellatus, Diplazium sibiricum, Epipogium aphyllum, Isoëtes echinospora, Nymphaea candida, Potamogeton filiformis, P. pectinatus, Ribes nigrum, Salixaurita, Viola selkirkii) were found.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: August 28, 2021