
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 10. Сер. Геология Докембрия
Indexed at RSCI


A.L. Kulakovskiy. Horizontal dikes in a crystalline basement: shielding effect of the basement-cover contact5
S. Nirgi, A. Soesoo. Geology and geochemistry of a paleoproterozoic iron mineralization in North-Eastern Estonia25
V.V. Shchiptsov, O.B. Kotova, E.G. Ozhogina, B.I. Pirogov. Technological mineralogy comprehensively44
T.A. Chikisheva, K.K. Emelyanova, S.A. Prokopiev, E.S. Prokopiev, N.Yu. Turetskaya, I.A. Kalinkin, S.A. Napolskikh. Mineralogical support to the process of obtaining high-grade iron ore concentrate at Stoilensky processing plant67
N.G. Barnov, V.V. Shchiptsov. A summary overview of deposits and large occurences of noble precambrian corundum in the world78
P.V. Frolov, V.M. Tytyk, V.I. Kevlich, G.A. Mikulin, А.I. Savitsky. Novye Peski gold deposit (South Karelia) is a new experimental composite source site of ore and construction materials88
Yu.E. Deines, A.V. Pervunina, V.V. Kovalevsky. Shungites – from knowledge to innovation. Scientific conference "Shungite-2020–2021" (Petrozavodsk, June 29 – July 1, 2021)103
A.I. Slabunov. Karelia – Kuriles: two Russia's two geographic extremes joined together by an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society106
History of the Karelian Research Centre RAS: people and events109
V.V. Shchiptsov. Aleksei I. Bogachev (1921–1999)109
Last modified: October 28, 2021