
Scientific publications

Krizhanovskaya, N., Novak, I., Krizhanovsky, A., & Pellinen, N.
Morphological inflectional rules for Karelian Proper verbs
// Eesti Ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, 13(2). 2022. P. 47–78
Keywords: Karelian language, Karelian Proper, Corpus linguistics, verbal inflection, inflectional paradigm, generating word forms
A methodology for the development and implementation of inflectional rules for verbs in Karelian Proper is presented. The materials for this study were lemmas and word forms from the Open corpus of Veps and Karelian languages (VepKar) and the electronic version of the Karelian language Dictionary. The system of rules for automatic verb inflection for the Karelian Proper supradialect is of both practical and theoretical scientific interest. The new rules have already enabled entering 141 000 Karelian Proper word forms in the VepKar dictionary. The new program for word form generation has significantly reduced the time for adding the full inflectional paradigm of any Karelian Proper verb to the VepKar dictionary. One only needs to fill in several template parameters instead of 125 word forms.
Indexed at Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI
Last modified: April 10, 2023