
Scientific publications

Morozov E., Morozova T.
PASTA for Remaining Service Time in Stable and Unstable Queues
// Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS,volume 1605). 2022. Pp. 291-303
Keywords: PASTA, multiclass system, stability, remaining service time, regenerative approach
In this paper, we establish the PASTA property for the limiting distribution of the remaining service time in stable and non-stable multiclass M/G/1 queueing systems. Our asymptotic analysis heavily exploits the regenerative property of the queueing system. The proof is first given for the stable system. A key observation for non-stable systems is that while the basic processes diverge to infinity, a proper time-average limit of the remaining service time exists. Some numerical results demonstrating the PASTA property are included as well.
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Last modified: April 10, 2023