
Scientific publications

Бочкарев А.С.
Дезертирство олонецких пашенных солдат в середине XVII века: факторы и динамика
// Альманах североевропейских и балтийских исследований. Вып.8. 2023. C. 11-22
Keywords: The ‘New Model’ regiments, desertion, the 1654–1667 Russo-Polish war, the 1656–1658 Russo-Swedish war, Olonets
The article deals with a poorly researched aspect of the history of the Olonets ‘New Model’ regiments (1649–1666) — the phenomenon of mass desertion of soldiers and dragoons. On the basis of archival and published sources, the author analyses the dynamics of desertion and examines the quantitative data on runaway soldiers. The main reasons for soldiers’ escapes are also considered as the principal conditions for mass desertion.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: January 18, 2024