
Scientific publications

Лыгина Т.З.
Комплексная переработка неметаллических полезных ископаемых как основа инновационных проектов
// Значение исследований технологической минералогии в решении задач комплексного освоения минерального сырья. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 28-34
The new conceptual approach to mineralogical and technological studying nonmetallic minerals which is provided is offered: 1) a high level of a technological estimation of ores at different stages of prospecting works (block A); 2) quality management of repartition of ores - formation of technological types of raw material with the set properties and improvement of processes of enrichment with the help of recognition of steady mineral associations – natural types on express to determined parameters (block B); 3) the directed change of technological properties of minerals, rocks and ores by development of rational circuits of extraction of useful components, their updating (block C).
The suggested strategy is connected to research of material structure, structural and textural features of raw material a complex of chemical and physical and chemical methods and assumes a scientific.

mineralogia_028-34.pdf (942 Kb, total downloads: 1121)

Last modified: November 16, 2012