
Scientific publications

Туполев А.Г., Рожкова Н.Н.
Вклад наноразмерных составляющих в электрофизические свойства углеродных материалов
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 11. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2008. C. 249-254
A model of an equivalent scheme of natural and artificial moisture-bearing porous materials is analysed to describe their electrophysical properties. It is shown that Warburg impedance, caused by diffusion processes as current passes in a moistened porous material, should be used in the model. The results of calculations for the model were found to agree over a wide frequency range with experimental data obtained for shungite powders and activated coal placed in a special cell, for nonconductive materials (electrolyte-impregnated filter paper layers were used as experimental samples), for composite materials (shungite concrete) and for shungite-filled rubbers. It is shown that the results obtained are in better agreement with the experimental data than with the models used in other studies (Kavamoto). Changes in the properties of the composite materials, observed upon transition from the microsizes of filling particles to nanosizes and upon addition of conductive electrolyte particles to the pores, are analysed.

geology_11_248-254.pdf (410 Kb, total downloads: 304)

Last modified: December 15, 2009