
Scientific publications

Научное обоснование развития сети особо охраняемых природных территорий в Республике Карелия
Ред. А.Н. Громцев.
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. 112 с.
Indexed at RSCI

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Introduction (Gromtsev A.N)5
Overall tasks, criteria and principles of formation of the regional system of protected areas (Gromtsev A.N., Sazonov S.V)8
Current network of operating PAS in Republic of Karelia (Gromtsev A.N)17
Areas with bedrock species and Quaternary sediments (Makarikhin V. V)19
Soil objects (Bakhmet O.N)21
Wetland objects (Kuznetsov O.L., Antipin V.K)30
Forest objects (Gromtsev A.N)38
Floral objects (Kravchenko A.V)42
Faunal objects. Mammal fauna (Danilov P.I., Belkin V.V)51
Avifauna (Sazonov S.V)55
Natural complexes most vulnerable to human impact (Gromtsev A.N)58
Recreation sites (Gromtsev A.N)60
Landscape objects (Gromtsev A.N)63
Waterside protection zones as ecological corridors (Gromtsev A.N)66
Interregional continuity of PA systems. Green Belt of Fennoscandia (Gromtsev A.N)70
Last modified: April 19, 2016