Scientific publications
Научное обоснование развития сети особо охраняемых природных территорий в Республике Карелия
Ред. А.Н. Громцев.
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. 112 с.
Feasibility Study of the Protected Area Network Development in Republic of Karelia. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2009. 112 p.
Indexed at RSCI
OOPT_Gromtsev.pdf (2.79 Mb, total downloads: 1757)
Introduction (Gromtsev A.N) | 5 |
Overall tasks, criteria and principles of formation of the regional system of protected areas (Gromtsev A.N., Sazonov S.V) | 8 |
Current network of operating PAS in Republic of Karelia (Gromtsev A.N) | 17 |
Areas with bedrock species and Quaternary sediments (Makarikhin V. V) | 19 |
Soil objects (Bakhmet O.N) | 21 |
Wetland objects (Kuznetsov O.L., Antipin V.K) | 30 |
Forest objects (Gromtsev A.N) | 38 |
Floral objects (Kravchenko A.V) | 42 |
Faunal objects. Mammal fauna (Danilov P.I., Belkin V.V) | 51 |
Avifauna (Sazonov S.V) | 55 |
Natural complexes most vulnerable to human impact (Gromtsev A.N) | 58 |
Recreation sites (Gromtsev A.N) | 60 |
Landscape objects (Gromtsev A.N) | 63 |
Waterside protection zones as ecological corridors (Gromtsev A.N) | 66 |
Interregional continuity of PA systems. Green Belt of Fennoscandia (Gromtsev A.N) | 70 |
Last modified: April 19, 2016