Scientific publications
Биоресурсный потенциал географических ландшафтов северо-запада таежной зоны России (на примере Республики Карелия)
Ред. А.Д. Волков, А.Н. Громцев.
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. 188 с.
Bioresource potential of geographic landscapes in the northwest of Russian taiga (Republic of Karelia case study). / A. Volkov, A. Gromtsev, eds.. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2005. 188 p.
The monograph summarizes the resource-related aspects of the materials collected over 25 years of ecological landscape research in Karelia. State-of-the-art in landscapebased studies of the bioresource potential is analyzed. A review of the methodology
behind the studies and the landscape structure of the region is provided. More specialized chapters give the details of the structure of forests and paludified ecosystems in different landscape types. Various types of resources and the tendencies in their anthropogenic dynamics both in the region and in different landscape types are described (timber, peat, berries and medicinal herbs, mushrooms, food resources for game animals, recreational properties, as well as the landscape-specific features of the environment shaping and protection functions of the forest cover). The materials have been converted into the form of the GIS “Biological resources of forest landscapes” constituting a component part of the “Ecological landscape GIS” (set of maps showing landscapebased
zoning of the region by bioresource criteria, and supplied with attributive data).
The monograph is meant for a wide range of specialists in ecological and geographic disciplines, as well as for nature use planners.
behind the studies and the landscape structure of the region is provided. More specialized chapters give the details of the structure of forests and paludified ecosystems in different landscape types. Various types of resources and the tendencies in their anthropogenic dynamics both in the region and in different landscape types are described (timber, peat, berries and medicinal herbs, mushrooms, food resources for game animals, recreational properties, as well as the landscape-specific features of the environment shaping and protection functions of the forest cover). The materials have been converted into the form of the GIS “Biological resources of forest landscapes” constituting a component part of the “Ecological landscape GIS” (set of maps showing landscapebased
zoning of the region by bioresource criteria, and supplied with attributive data).
The monograph is meant for a wide range of specialists in ecological and geographic disciplines, as well as for nature use planners.
BIORES.pdf (2.63 Mb, total downloads: 1851)
Современное состояние исследований биоресурсного потенциала на ландшафтной основе (Громцев А.Н., Петров Н.В., Волков А.Д., Курхинен Ю.П) | 10 |
Current understanding of geographic landscapes. Classification of geographic landscapes and sublandscape units (Volkov A) | 21 |
Methodology behind geographic landscape studies and the scope of experimental material (Volkov A) | 33 |
Regional landscape structure (Volkov A) | 46 |
Structure by forest types (Volkov A) | 53 |
Structure of mire ecosystems (Kolomytsev V) | 56 |
Potential productivity of stands in climax forests and its landscape-related distinctions (Volkov A) | 92 |
Potential productivity of mushroom rich grounds in "normal" forests managed with the focus on maximum timber yield (Volkov A) | 102 |
Potential productivity of berry rich grounds in "normal" forests managed with the focus on maximum timber yield (Volkov A) | 110 |
Peat resources (Kolomytsev V., Ivanov V) | 118 |
Habitat structure and food resources for game animals (Kurhinen J) | 134 |
Рекреационные ресурсы (Громцев А.Н., Петров Н.В., Туюнен А.В) | 144 |
Ландшафтная специфика средообразующих и средозащитных функции лесного покрова (Громцев А.Н) | 158 |
Landscape mapping using GIS- technologies and remote sensing data (Litinskiy P) | 168 |
Last modified: February 29, 2016