Scientific publications
Гнатюк Е.П., Крышень А.М.
Методы исследования ценофлор (на примере растительных сообществ вырубок Карелии)
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. 68 с.
Gnatyuk E.P., Kryshen’ A.M. Methods for investigating coenofloras (example of plant communities in harvested forest areas in Karelia). Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Science, 2005. 68 p.
The manual considers some notions and methods used in floristics and phytocenology to study coenofloras. The basic glossary of terms is provided. The material has the form of specific results of cut-over studies in Karelia, which are as such of value to a wide range of scientists – experts in floristics, geobotany and silviculture investigating the patterns in the formation of plant communities at early stages of forest regeneration and involved in the study and conservation of the biodiversity of taiga ecosystems.
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Last modified: April 5, 2016