
Scientific publications

Щипцов В.В., Скамницкая Л.С., Бубнова Т.П., Данилевская Л.А.
Роль геологических, минералогических и технологических исследований Института геологии КарНЦ РАН в оценке потенциала минерально-сырьевой базы Республики Карелия
// Технологическая минералогия, методы переработки минерального сырья и новые материалы. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2010. C. 37-55
Shchiptsov V.V., Skamnitskaya L.S., Bubnova T.P., Danilevskaya L.A. Contribution of the geological, mineralogical and technological studies conducted by the Institute of geology at the KarRC, RAS, to estimation of the republic of Karelia’s mineral potential // Technological mineralogy, methods for recycling of mineral products and new materials. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2010. Pp. 37-55
The data presented were obtained by extensive geological and technological-mineralogical study of quite a number of Karelia's industrial minerals conducted under several projects over the past twenty years. The processing potential of natural ore types, such as kyanite, graphite, shungite rocks, apatite, quartz, garnet, nepheline-feldspar, anorthosite etc., is shown. The role of the geological-mineralogical factors and typomorphic properties of minerals and their effect on the optimum selection of recycling technology from an ore dressing stage to beneficiation cycles are emphasized. Their potential, comparable to the mineral potential of all Fennoscandia, is evaluated. A list of basic publications, written by scientists of the Institute of Geology, is presented.

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Last modified: December 8, 2010