
Scientific publications

Неверов Н.А., Бурлаков П.С., Дровнина С.И., Хмара К.А.
Радиальный прирост и продуктивность лиственницы сибирской на Беломорско-Кулойском плато
Neverov N.A., Burlakov P.S., Drovnina S.B. Khmara K.A. Radial increment and productivity of Siberian larch in the White Sea-Kuloi plateau // Forest Resources of Russian Taiga: Forest Use and Reforestation Problems: Proceedings of the All- Russian Scientific Conference With International Participation. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS Publishers, 2009. Pp. 73-75

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Last modified: December 15, 2010