
Scientific publications

В.С. Амелина, Р.У. Высоцкая, Т.А. Ломаева, Г. А. Шкляревич.
Участие лизосомальных нуклеаз в адаптивных реакциях морских беспозвоночных
// Проблемы изучения, рационального использования и охраны ресурсов Белого моря. Материалы IX международной конференции 11-14 октября 2004 г., Петрозаводск, Карелия, Россия. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 27-30
V.S. Amelina, R.U. Vysotskaya, T.A. Lomaeva, G.A. Shcklarevich. The role of the lysosomal nucleases in adaptive responses of marine invertebrates // The study, sustainable use and conservation of natural resources od the White sea. Proceedings of the IXth international conference October, 11-14, 2004, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia, 2005. Pp. 27-30
Impact of the different technogenic types of water pollution on lysosomal nucleases activity in the typical invertebrates animals of the White Sea Mytilus edulis and Gammaridae spp. was studied. The relative stability of analyzed enzymes with an insignificant difference from control level was shown. According to the data obtained the conclusion was made about successful adaptation of studied hydrobionts to water pollution by unspecific mechanisms.

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Last modified: May 31, 2012