Scientific publications
А.А. Коросов, Д.В. Поздняков.
Оценка состояния и тенденции изменения первичной продуктивности Белого моря по данным дистанционного зондирования за последние пять лет: методы и первые результаты
// Проблемы изучения, рационального использования и охраны ресурсов Белого моря. Материалы IX международной конференции 11-14 октября 2004 г., Петрозаводск, Карелия, Россия. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 165-171
A.A. Korosov & D.V. Pozdnyakov. Evaluation of the current state and modification trends of the
White Sea primary production from remote sensing data for the last five years: methods and pilot results // The study, sustainable use and conservation of natural resources od the White sea. Proceedings of the IXth international conference
October, 11-14, 2004, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia, 2005. Pp. 165-171
A new satellite-nonspecific algorithm for a simultaneous retrieval of content of such water quality proxies as phytoplankton chlorophyll, suspended minerals and dissolved organics has been developed and applied for the surveillance of spatial and temporal dynamics in the water quality and productivity in Onega Bay of the White Sea. As a result, the properly analyzed data provided a considerably more adequate insight into a variety of in-water processes inherent in such semi-enclosed water bodies as the White Sea that experience a spectrum of impacts generated by multiple external forces.
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Last modified: May 31, 2012