Scientific publications
Кодолова Т.А., Мантере Э.В.
Управление инвестиционными процессами в сфере культурного туризма
// Роль туризма в модернизации экономики российских регионов. Сборник научных статей по матер. междунар. научно-практич. конф., 8-10 июня 2010 г., Петрозаводск-Кондопога. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2010. C. 212-217
Kodolova T.A., Mantere E.V. The Investment Processes Management in the Sphere of Cultural Tourism // The Role of Tourism in Modernization of the Economy in Russian Regions. The Collection of scientific articles
based on the materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference on June, 8-10, 2010. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2010. Pp. 212-217
The modern arrangements and mechanisms for their realization are necessary in the process of the territory development management. The author proves the given statement on the example of practice of the investments attracting into the sphere of cultural tourism.
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Last modified: June 7, 2012